Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923
War or Peace?
In view of a statement at Lausanne by Lord Curzon (British Foreign Minister) that he would call upon the League of Nations to take economic action against Turkey if war were threatened, it does not seem probable that Turkey would be willing to risk a clash. On the other hand, Turkey has some justification for thinking that Britain is merely playing a clever game; for, while sticking fast to Mosul, she is using the League as a side door through which she can at any time make a graceful exit. Again the Turks may rely upon the strained relations existing between the Allies and the French determination to have peace at any price in the Near East. Thus they have good cause to believe that any threat emanating from the League would be unbacked. But it is much more likely that Turkey herself is as anxious for peace as anyone else, and that, relying upon a more conciliatory spirit from Britain, she will issue fresh peace proposals.