Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923
Cruise of the Narwhal
" Yo ho ho for the old South Seas,
Discovered by F. O'Brien! We'll film his cannibal savages So no one can say he's lyin'!" So should have sung, if they didn't, the crew of the old-time whaling bark Narwhal, which set sail from San Francisco recently with a complement of some 20 adventurers who had heard of the money magnates make in the movies and didn't see why they shouldn't make some themselves. They incorporated themselves as the Mutual Trading Company and expect to be gone eight or ten months, filming hula-maids and cannibals and fatu-lava birds wherever they find them.
The Chaplin-Negri engagement suffered a temporary setback last week. Miss Negri is reputed to have read in the papers that her fiance felt that financial embarrassment prevented his indulging in the added luxury of matrimony. The lady was annoyed at the idea of being economized about. So she called it off. After everything had been affirmed and then denied again that any one could think of, the situation seemed to readjust itself to the satisfaction-- financial and emotional--of all concerned, including the perturbed public.