Saturday, Mar. 17, 1923
Whooping Cough Cured?
The X-ray may prove of more value in treatment of whooping-cough than any other remedy, including vaccine, according to Drs. Henry I. Bowditch and Ralph D. Leonard, who have just published a preliminary report of their experiments in The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Out of 26 active cases, ranging in age from 3 months to 40 years, which received three or four applications at intervals, 15 per cent were promptly cured, the spasms disappearing entirely, 70 per cent were relieved, and 15 per cent remained unchanged. It is too early and the data are too meager to make definite predictions of the success of X-ray treatment. The doctors are unable to give a rational explanation of the result, but do not believe it to be due to any direct germ-killing power of the rays.