Saturday, Mar. 17, 1923
Engaged: Battling Nelson, former lightweight boxing champion, to Dora Klein, of London. Mr. Nelson has not seen Miss Klein in 17 years --not since she was six.
Married: Mrs. Nora McMullen Mellon, former wife of Andrew W. Mellon, to Harvey Arthur Lee, in New York.
Married: Martha Miller, 24, author and sculptress, who accompanied the Carl Akeley expedition to Africa in 1921, and Albert L. Bliven, 25, in New York. They plan a 50,000 mile honeymoon, including lion hunting in the Congo and tiger hunting in India.
Married.--William Chapman Potter, President of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, to Rose Lee Saltonstall, at Dedham, Mass. He was divorced in Paris last October by his first wife, Mrs. Caroline Morton Potter, who since then married Harry F. Guggenheim.
Sued for Divorce. -- Mrs. Sylvia Phyllis Cawston Gough, by Captain Wilfred Hugh Julian Gough, of the Welsh Guards, London. Augustus John (noted painter), Baron Maurice de Rothschild, and Bertrand Neidecker were named as co-respondents.
Divorced. -- Mrs. Sara Carroll Field, sister of Mrs. Honore Palmer, by Stanley Field, nephew of the late Marshall Field and President of the Field Museum, Chicago.
Divorced: Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer and oil promoter, by Mrs. Cook, at Fort Worth, Texas.
Died: F. Wayland Ayer, 75, pioneer in the advertising business and head of N. W. Ayer & Sons, at Meredith, N. Y.
Died: Sir J. J. Shannon, 61, noted portrait painter, in London. He was born in this country, but spent most of his life in Canada and England.
Died. -- Dr. Wilhelm Mayer von Kaufbeuren, German Ambassador to France, in Munich. He was recalled from Paris at the time of the occupation of the Ruhr. In accordance with diplomatic etiquette, Premier Poincare telegraphed his condolences to the German Foreign Office.
Died.--Prince Vladimir N. Engalitcheff, 21, son of the Princess Evelyn Pardridge Engalitcheff and Prince Nicholas Engalitcheff, Russian Vice-Consul in Chicago during the imperial regime. He graduated from Brown University in 1922 and was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Heart disease.