Saturday, Mar. 24, 1923

The Herrin Trial

After a recess of eleven days, the trial at Marion, Ill., of Hugh Willis, State Executive Board member of the United Mine Workers, and five others charged with murder in connection with the Herrin riots, was resumed.

According to evidence given by various citizens of Herrin and Marion, Willis personally led the striking union miners who looted local hardware stores for rifles and ammunition, attacked the non-union mineworkers, and massacred nearly all who surrendered.

Willis is reported to have made a speech before the attack, in which he is alleged to have said to his union comrades:

" What I am most interested in is prevailing upon the Sheriff not to get the troops there. . . . The Sheriff is our friend and he told me: ' Damn them, they (the non-union miners) ought to have known better than to come down here, but now that they are here, let them take what is coming to them!'"