Saturday, Apr. 07, 1923

Having perused well the chronicle of the week, the Vigilant Patriot views with alarm:

The prejudice which will be aroused by the news that the A. F. of L. favors the World Court. (P. 5.)

The astounding and terrifying revelation that the salary of the warlord Trotsky is 2,800,000,000 rubles monthly. (P. 12.)

Arthur Brisbane's familiarity with the great ones of the world. (P. 24.)

Sugar prices which inflate politics while they deflate pocketbooks. (P. 3.)

A public whose indifference to the nation's government is aided and abetted by the nation's press. (P. 24.)

That in place of the black-browed man with a secret sorrow and a Byronic collar we have Babbitts and Pinneys "with no brows at all and Arrow collars." (P. 14.)

Roumania's weekly ration of anti-Semitism. (P. 12.)

Italians, agitated about the world market for their music. (P. 18.)

Those farmers who want to send to jail all city lads whose watches are an hour fast. (P. 6.)

The epidemic of pandemonium sweeping the parliaments of the world. (P. 11.)

Women in South Africa who want the vote and aren't getting it. (P. 8.)

A special Senate to handle Foreign Affairs all by itself. (P. 6.)

French bookkeepers who lose track of $62,158,000. (P. 9.)

Free education, which--according to the British--has spoiled America's appetite for school. (P. 19.)

Politicians who would import defectives to be their constituents. (P. 2.)

Only 1.7 children in the family of the average Frenchman. (P. 9.)