Saturday, Apr. 21, 1923
Exposed at Last!
Number of square inches of type on the first two pages of Mr. Hearst's papers: 608.
Number of square inches on these two pages devoted last Sunday to an "expose" of Mr. Taft's private finances: 446.
The Hearst papers last Sunday scored a beat. They discovered that Chief Justice Taft is receiving $10,000 a year through an annuity left him by Andrew Carnegie, and that this money is derived from bonds of the " steel trust."
The Hearst papers are accordingly attacking the Supreme Court. The impression which the "Taft story " is intended to have on the reader is that Mr. Taft, by reason of the $10,000 interest in U. S. Steel bonds, is wedded to reactionary capitalism, and will therefore be inclined to decide in favor of the " interests." It is only in an obscure part of the two-page spread that the Hearst reporter speaks of " Mr. Taft's spotless reputation."
The story was "hung" on some correspondence relative to pensions for ex-Presidents between a Congressman and the Carnegie trustees.