Saturday, Apr. 28, 1923

He Wants a Fight

Harry Wills, Negro heavyweight, is tired of heaving hogsheads on the New York water front. He issued the following blanket challenge: " I'll agree to fight Willard, Floyd Johnson, Firpo and Jack McAuliffe II, in the same ring on May 12 at the Yankee Stadium, and I don't ask for a penny. But if I stop all of them I want a match with Dempsey." It is not likely that Mr. Wills' boredom with hogsheads will have much effect on the attitude of his contemporaries. Besides being a substantial citizen between fights he is even more substantial in the ring. It is the generally accepted opinion that he is the only man in the game who can stand at Dempsey's level. There is vague talk of a fight between the two at the Polo Grounds on Labor Day. Wills deserves his chance. His unobtrusive steadiness between professional engagements would seem to prove that he would grace a title with more dignity than certain of his Ethiopian brethren of the past. Then, too, Dempsey must fight soon again--or revert to digging coal.