Saturday, May. 12, 1923
Mussolini Cabinet
Cesare Maria di Vecchi, Under Secretary of Finance, resigned from the Mussolini Cabinet. This is the fifth resignation that has taken place within the space of a month.
Signer di Vecchi resigned in order to avoid embarrassing Premier Mussolini. The trouble was born in a speech that Veechi made in Turin about three weeks ago, in which he said: " Everything could be put right in Italy with half an hour's martial law and half a minute's rifle shooting."
In an interview subsequent to his voluntary resignation, Signor di Vecchi said: " In my Turin speech I purposely mentioned the road along which I dare hope our leader will lead Fascismo, which I believe to be at the turning point of its history." He also reaffirmed his faith in Fascista doctrines and his obedience to Mussolini.
His speech at Turin was the expression of his personal opinion and in no way committed the Government.