Monday, Jun. 04, 1923
To Protect the Public
On the grounds that the Interstate Commerce Commission's valuation of the railroads will be from $5,000,000,000 to $12,000,000,000 greater than the amount invested in the railways, " The National Conference on "Valuation of Railroads " met in Chicago to " promote and protect public interest." It was called by Senator La Follette and attended by " progressive " members of Congress, railroad labor leaders, Non-Partisan
Leaguers, and advocates of Government ownership.
Senator La Follette was chosen Permanent Chairman. Senators Owen, Shipstead, and Frazer, Governors Sweet (Colo.), Ross (Wyo.), Elaine (Wis.) and Mr. William J. Bryan are members of the Committee on Permanent Organization of which Representative Huddleston of Alabama is Chairman.
Among the speakers at the public session were:
John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York: " The public has been sandbagged and blackjacked both ways, coming and going, by the railroads." . . . The Government would con-duct the roads with some regard for the health and comfort of the public.
William J. Bryan: The railroads should print on their stationery: "Remember Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth." . . . " While I prefer private ownership for the railroads, I fear the country will be forced to give in to Government ownership because private ownership will not endure."