Monday, Jun. 04, 1923
Goto Takes a Hand
Baron Slumpei Goto, "Roosevelt " of Japan and ex-mayor of Tokyo, took a hand in the movement to force the Japanese Government to recognize Soviet Russia. He says he has paved the way for the Premier to make a treaty of amity and commerce with the Russian Government.
According to the correspondent of The Boston Transcript Baron Goto is not essentially pro-Bolshevik. Asked if he thought the Soviet regime permanent, he answered: " It is the only Government existing in Russia now, Japan's needs are urgent and therefore the question of permanency is irrelevant. If it fails Japan can negotiate with its successor."
The Japanese Cabinet is meanwhile considering Russian proposals for recognition by Japan. As the tension between Britain and Russia has been removed, it is felt in some Tokyo quarters that the Government may give favorable consideration to the recognition question.
The Russian terms included a proposal to abrogate the Portsmouth Treaty of 1905; but it is considered extremely unlikely that Japan will give way on this point. This treaty was the one that ended the Russo- Japanese war (1904-1905).