Monday, Jun. 04, 1923
Science Serves God
A great and glorious manifesto of liberalism has been issued. It says to the world that there is no warfare between science and religion. It is signed by Secretaries Hoover and Davis, and by 40 other distinguished Americans of various denominations, who include: Bishops Lawrence, Manning and McConnell, President Angell of Yale and President Burton of Chicago, Dr. William J. Mayo, Frank O. Lowden, Admiral Sims, Julius Kruttschmitt, Frank A. Vanderlip, Victor Lawson, Henry Van Dyke, Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn.
The manifesto:
" We, the undersigned, deeply regret that in recent controversies there has been a tendency to present science and religion as irreconcilable and antagonistic domains of thought, for, in fact, they meet distinct human needs, and in the rounding out of human life they supplement rather than displace or oppose each other.
" The purpose of science is to develop, without prejudice or preconception of any kind, a knowledge of the facts, the laws and the processes of nature. The even more important task of religion, on the other hand, is to develop the consciences, the ideals and the aspirations of mankind. Each of these two activities represents a deep and vital function of the soul of man, and both are necessary for the life, the progress and the happiness of the human race.
" It is a sublime conception of God which is furnished by science, and one wholly consonant with the highest ideals of religion, when it represents Him as revealing Himself through countless ages in the development of the earth as an abode for man and in the agelong inbreathing of life into its constituent matter, culminating in man with his spiritual nature and all his Godlike powers."