Monday, Jul. 09, 1923

Parliament's Week

Four Scottish Labor members (James Maxton, J. Wheatley, the Rev. Campbell Stephen, G. Buchanan) were suspended by the Speaker of the House of Commons.

The dispute arose over a proposed reduction in the estimates for child welfare in Scotland. Maxton and Wheatley rose and accused the seconders of the motion of being murderers. They were asked to withdraw their remarks, but refused, despite the advice of J. Ramsey McDonald, Parliamentary Labor leader. They were then suspended by a vote of 258 to 70. The Rev. Campbell then took up the cry of " murderers." He was suspended by a vote of 276 to 60. Buchanan soon after heard Sir George Hamilton refer to Emanuel Shinwell as a " Jew." Shinwell said he was proud of the fact, but Buchanan called the entire Conservative Party " white-livered cowards," and " dirty dogs." After he had accused the Speaker of partiality, his suspension was carried by 286 votes to 58.

In the House of Lords, Lord Curzon, Foreign Minister, said: " There is no chance of our agreeing in any circumstances whatever to the American proposal for a twelve-mile territorial limit." His contention was that, while the United States had a legal right to seize liquor under seal, she was in fact violating international custom.

Lord Birkenhead, ex-Lord High Chancellor, advocated diplomatic action of a tactful and courteous nature, of which, he remarked slyly, " the Foreign Secretary was capable."

Lord Grey, ex-Foreign Minister, said that both sides had cause for complaint. It was obviously unfair for America to let foreign ships attract the bulk of passengers by allowing them to take liquor into the territorial limit. On the other hand it was equally annoying for foreign ships to be deprived of liquor for the whole of the return journey. As Prohibition in the United States was likely to stand, he thought it was extremely advisable that the two Governments should reach an amicable arrangement. He further suggested that the two Governments should publish the full correspondence on the subject for the information of both nations.