Monday, Jul. 09, 1923
Monarchist Flare
Guards' Parade. In the presence of the Princes August Wilhelm and Oscar and the ex-Crown Princess, a parade of the Imperial Guard in full pre-War splendor took place at Potsdam -- a town just outside Berlin, where the Kaiser had his principal palace. The occasion was the unveiling of a monument to the memory of fallen members of the Imperial Guard.
Reactionary speeches were made by Generals von Krosigk, Count von der Goltz, Baron von Plettenberg, von Pleasen, von Lincker. In the procession of magnificently bedecked guardsmen were several squads of the Reichswehr (National Defense Force) or Green Police, so called from the color of their uniform.
Monarchism. The Monarchist movement, hitherto confined to Bavaria, is spreading. Recent documents seized by the police made it clear that the movement had spread to Mecklenburg and Pomerania, two of the northern provinces of Prussia.
The documents revealed a plan to put an artillery barrage around the workmen's district in Hamburg while the Monarchists marched in and took possession. It is also alleged that the Reichswehr is in close touch with the Monarchist movement and has to a limited extent been cooeperating with it.
Johanniterorden. Prince K. Eitel Friedrich, second son of the Kaiser, Grand Master of the German section of the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (Deutsche Johanniterorden), officiated at a meeting of the Order in Potsdam. Der Feld-marshall von Hindenburg, as Sword Bearer, was in attendance. The Prince, clad in a black robe and " decorated with flashing crosses," raised six members, chosen Monarchists, to knighthood in the Order by tapping them on the shoulder with a sword passed to him by the Sphinxlike Hindenburg.
Republican Hohenzollern? According to despatches from Berlin, the ex-Crown Prince will be a candidate for the German Presidency at the next elections, which coincide with the U. S. presidential elections. It is doubtful if there is any truth in the report, and it is certain that he will not and cannot become President.