Monday, Jul. 23, 1923
A Master Stroke
With the connivance of the Vatican, Mussolini neatly eliminated Don Sturzo, leader of the Partito Popolare ( Catholic), principal opponent of the Dictator's scheme for "electoral reform" (TIME, July 2, July 9) . Don Sturzo resigned the leadership of his powerful Party tamely, declaring that he did not wish to cause trouble over the relations between the Partito and the Church. He will be replaced by a Committee of three, Giulio Rodino (former Minister of War), Giovanni Gronchi (former Under Secretary of State), Signor Spadaro (Party Committeeman). No member of this Triumvirate is sufficiently astute or strong to withstand Mussolini's extra-Party steamroller. For the past six months rumors have been current that Mussolini, by restoring Catholic education in the public schools, had bought Vatican support for the destruction of Don Sturzo's Party. Recently, a group of young "Black" (Ultra-Catholic) nobles m Rome endorsed Fascismo's "radiant ideal." Now the bidder hand smites and silences the little priest as he breathes defiance of the black-shirted Fascisti, who have "full powers" and the desire to make Italy safe for Fascismo, after these powers expire, by an "electoral reform" that gives the strongest minority a two-thirds majority.