Monday, Jul. 30, 1923
Facial Expression
Among the pranks of fate for the week was what befell Senator Selden Palmer Spencer, Republican, of Missouri, on the recent death of Senator Dillingham of Vermont, Senator Dillingham was Chairman of the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, which passes on the eligibility of Senators to take their seats. Senator Spencer will succeed to that office by rule of seniority. It so happens that Senator Spencer was the great champion of Senator Truman H. Newberry in the deluge of mud which swept down upon that gentleman from 1918 through 1922 because he allegedly spent more than $100,000 campaigning for election.
The prank of fate, however, is that the Republicans have planned to make a similar assault on one of their opponents, Earle B. Mayfield, elected Senator from Texas last Fall. About a dozen Democrats, it is believed, will vote with Republicans to unseat Mayfield, accused of the same crime as Mr. Newberry. The expression which will reside on Senator Spencer's face is a matter of conjecture.