Monday, Jul. 30, 1923

"Lily White"

Atlantic City has recently been the summer home of many conferences. The latest to take place there was the two-day national conference of Negro Republicans. It met with representatives present from 18 states. Dr. George E. Cannon, of Jersey City, was made President. Both he and resolutions passed by the conference denounced the Administration for its "lily white policy."

"Senatorial courtesy," which prevented the confirmation of Negro appointees to office, the failure of the Liberian Loan, the failure of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill, were condemned. Final resolutions called for the enforcement of the 14th (Negro citizenship) and 15th (Negro suffrage) Amendments to the Constitution, passage of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill, more Negro officeholders in the South, Negro management of Tuskegee National Hospital.