Monday, Jul. 30, 1923
"James Gordon Bennett, the elder, fought for the rights of the people throughout the 37 years of his control of The New York Herald. . . . Ultimately the Herald found its way into the newspaper grab-bag of Frank Munsey, until today it is nothing more than a mouthpiece of the interests, with the only notice taken of the people being contained in the obituary column. "When Joseph Pulitzer founded The New York World he made of that daily a people's newspaper . . . The New York World today only carries the principles of Joseph Pulitzer at the head of the editorial column . . . "The voice of Greeley, which thundered through the columns of the Tribune (New York), has been silenced a good many years . . .today the Tribune is devoted to the cause of big business."--Mayor Hylan of New York, explaining to members, of the National Editorial Association why certain newspapers attack him.