Monday, Aug. 06, 1923

Parliament's Week

House of Commons. Sir Laming Worthington-Evans, Postmaster General, announced that the British Post Office made a profit of $25,300,000 during the last fiscal year. The postal service earned $27,600,000; telephones, $4,600,000; but the telegraphs lost $6,900,000, due to low press rates.

P: Sir Samuel Hoare, Air Minister, informed the House that the Government had decided to institute an officially subsidized commercial air service, with a bi-weekly airship service to India.

P: Lieutenant Colonel Leslie Wilson, Chief Conservative whip and Parliamentary Secretary of the Treasury, resigned these positions on appointment to the Governorship of Bombay in succession to Sir G. A. Lloyd. Commander Eyres-Monsell succeeds Colonel Wilson as Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury. Major Archibald Boyd Carpenter succeeds Commander Eyres-Monsell as Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty.

House of Lords. Lady Astor's bill prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor to persons under 18 years of age passed its third reading without amendment. It now needs only the Royal Assent before it becomes law.