Monday, Aug. 06, 1923

That Firpo Palm

Firpo, Argentine ape and heavyweight boxer, has the hardest punching knuckles in the business. The inside of his hand, too, is unique. The palm itches more severely than any other fighter's. At present Firpo is making dollars knocking down " set-ups." Last week he disposed of Joe Burke, of Detroit, in two rounds at Grand Rapids. He fights Charlie Weinert in Philadelphia, Aug. 13. Meanwhile he is on an exhibition tour.

The big money rolls in Sept. 14. Firpo has agreed, after prolonged haggling, to fight Jack Dempsey at the Polo Grounds, New York. Firpo will receive 12 1/2% of the receipts with a $100,000 minimum guaranteed. By the time he returns to the Argentine he will be a millionaire --in pesos.