Monday, Aug. 27, 1923
Deauville Bank Broke
Three weeks ago the baccarat syndicate, composed of two wealthy Greeks and an Armenian--Gregory Vagliano, Sographos and Condgmed-jian--lost 2,500,000 francs ($137,750.00); two weeks ago they lost 6,000,000 francs ($330,600.00); last week saw the coup de grAce with a loss of 10,000,000 francs ($551,000.00) ; the bank was broken and the E Deauville Casino, for the first time in history, is in darkness at the height of the season. Lost -- 18,500,000 francs; produced--nothing.
As usual, the cards of fate gave to the rich. In this instance, however, the poor did not lose. The two principal winners are James Henessy (Henessy's Three Star French brandy), and a South American named Pulcinelli, said to be a multi-millionaire cigarette manufacturer.