Monday, Sep. 17, 1923
Jewry Imperiled
From London the Chief Rabbi* issued a warning to all Jews in a Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year, Sept. 10 and 11) message:
"Nearly five years have passed since the close of the most devastating of wars. The earth is still reeling like a drunken man. The inhabitants thereof are bereft of reason by the poison gas of racial antagonisms in a world that was nearly destroyed by hate, and is seeking to save itself by hate, and Israel is the greatest sufferer in these distracted days.
"The forces of reaction and race hatred everywhere have joined hands in the unholy work of reviling and slandering the Jew. We are back once more in the Dark Ages. New Jewish massacres and on an unprecedented scale are openly advocated and systematically planned.
"The Russian Monarchists declare that in event of their regaining power they will slaughter every Jewish man, woman and child in that land. Western Jewry does not sufficiently realize the infinite danger that hovers over four millions of our brethren in Russia."
* The Chief Rabbi has authority only In England, but is respected by Jews throughout the world. The position is elective. The present Incumbent Is Rabbi Hertz.