Monday, Sep. 24, 1923
High Handed?
Johnstown, Pa., was the scene of an unusual occurence in the annals of Northern municipalities. Two policemen were killed and four others wounded in a riot in which Negroes took part. The town has a large population of Negroes and Mexicans brought there by the Cambria plant of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Mayor Joseph Cauffiel of Johnstown was absent when the killings occurred.
He returned and found "a dozen flaming crosses" burning on the hills around the town. He forbade all Negro assemblies except in church and issued instructions that all Negroes and Mexicans not resident in the town for seven years should depart. It was reported that 2,000 left. "We have been sitting on a bomb," said the Mayor. "Resentment was running high. . . We had to act quickly."