Monday, Oct. 01, 1923

Mr. Coolidge's Week

The usual multiplicity of duties greeted President Coolidge. Some of his acts were:

P:To proclaim Oct. 9 as official Fire Prevention Day throughout the country.

P:To receive a new White House dog, Peter Pan, a wire-haired fox terrier from Boston, son of Prides Hill Sicyon and Lady Rabbie.

P:To be told that he should call a special session of Congress to consider the coal situation or the farm situation.

P:To ask newspaper men not to give undue publicity to his sons John and Calvin, now students at Mercersburg Academy.

P:To announce that he will call a conference of State Governors in Washington during October for the purpose of discussing not only prohibition enforcement, but other matters affecting both the federal and the state governments.

P:To announce that he will not " waste time " by denying statements attributed to him by callers to the White House.

P:To address the national convention of the American Red Cross in Washington saying: "The idea of charity is very old. It is included in the teachings of the earliest philosophers. It is one of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. . . . Our country could secure no higher commendation, no greater place in history, than to have it correctly said that the Red Cross is truly American."