Monday, Oct. 08, 1923
Health Section
The fact that the U. S., politically committed to nonmembership in the League of Nations, recognizes and cooperates with the various humanitarian and scientific projects of the League is proof of the high quality of these activities. Probably the most active department of the League and perhaps the most beneficent in its results is the Health Commission under Dr. Ludwik Rajchman of Poland. It maintains a staff of epidemiologists and other experts in eastern Europe and parts of the world where outbreaks of typhus, plague and other dangerous diseases are in progress. It arranges international visits for health officials of the member nations, in order that sanitarians the world over may have the benefit of the experience and special methods of those of other nations. The first of these interchanges was held in England in February, the second in Italy in May. The U. S. was represented in both groups.
The third international exchange of health officers is now in progress in the U. S., and will last three months, during which about 25 European and Latin American health officers will visit various cities to observe American public health work. The countries represented are France, England, Italy, Russia, Spain, Poland, Yugo-Slavia, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Mexico, Salvador, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Canada.