Monday, Oct. 29, 1923
Official Thanks
Viscount Shimpei Goto, "Roosevelt of Japan," Japanese Minister of Home Affairs, wrote to The New York Times:
"I am grateful to the Times for this opportunity to thank the American people for their marvelous generosity in our time of terrible trial. Their noble action has struck chords in our hearts which will vibrate forever.
"Their countrymen in Japan, the American Ambassador, Mr. Woods, his entire staff, and other American residents stayed with us through the darkest hours of our calamity like soldiers at posts of duty, giving aid and comfort to our stricken people. Disasters may hurl down monuments of stone and bronze, time may wear them into dust, but nothing can destroy our precious memories of American service and heroism during the most appalling convulsion of the elements in all recorded history."
(Signed) "GOTO"