Monday, Nov. 05, 1923

Able Ty

But Casey was not the only batsman whose name worked itself into the week's headlines. It was generally advertised throughout the civilized world that Tyrus R. Cobb, manager and centre-fielder of the Detroit American League team, by virtue of his past season's work, has batted .300 or better for 18 consecutive years, and is therefore undisputed possessor of the " all time batting honors."

Hans Wagner, former Pittsburgh shortstop, was a .300 hitter for 17 seasons. The late " Pop " Anson of Chicago batted above .300 during 20 campaigns, but not consecutively.

The popular Ruth has had seven seasons as a .300 hitter, and so has George Sisler of the St. Louis Browns. But Sisler's string has already been cut by a year of idleness.