Monday, Dec. 17, 1923
In Russia
The New York Times acquired some years ago a reputation of being unfair to the Soviet Government in the news which it printed about Russian conditions.
Recently the Times has printed comparatively little about horrors and indecencies of Lenin and Leninism. It did, however, carry a despatch last week which stated that Isvestia (Mos- cow journal) stated:*
1) That many of the 25 monasteries and nunneries in Moscow have been invaded and are being used for secular purposes.
2) That in one nunnery 300 students are quartered.
3) That these students drown the church-bells with their singing, have ghouled the churchyards, vandalized the vaults.
4) That people go to some churches only to find the ikons torn down, busts of Marx, Lenin, Trotzky put in their places and atheistic meetings in session.
5) That Communist boys and girls dance to pagan music in the churches.
*Whether these statements are true, TIME does not know. They are, however, at variance with many other recent reports on the freedom of worship in Russia.