Monday, Dec. 17, 1923

Illinois, Yale

Yale and Illinois supplied most of the mustard for the literary hot dogs which the sports writers have been peddling for public munching ever since the season closed. In the consensus of opinion, Yale won five places on an All-Eastern eleven and Illinois three on the Big Ten team. No "consensus" teams from the Pacific Coast were available. The selections:


McRae L. E. Syracuse

Milstead L. T. Yale

Hubbard L. G. Harvard

Lovejoy C. Yale

Welsh R. G. Colgate

Sundstrom R. T. Cornell

Luman R. E. Yale

Pfann Q. B. Cornell

Wilson L. H. B. Penn State

Stevens R. H. B. Yale

Mallory F. B. Yale


Eklund L. E. Minnesota

Below L. T. Wisconsin

McMillen L. G. Illinois

Blott C. Michigan

Fleckenstein R. G. Iowa

Muirhead R. T. Michigan

Rokusek R. E. Illinois

Workman Q. B. Ohio State

Grange L. H. B. Illinois

Martineau R. H. B. Minnesota

Taft F. B. Wisconsin