Monday, Dec. 24, 1923
A Tribute
M. le Senateur Paul Dupuy, publisher of the world's largest newspaper, Le Petit Parisien (1,800,000 daily circulation), sailed for France after several weeks' inspection of the U. S. Before departing he said good-bye with true French courtesy:
"I have spoken to scores of newspaper men on all sorts of subjects in English, which I do not know very well, and never once has what I said been misrepresented in print. Please let that be a journalist's tribute to America before I sail. ... I was amazed at the size and the perfection of many of your newspapers in the smaller towns. Fifty and a hundred pages filled with advertising make possible the very best of writers and the most perfectly complete array of the news of the world. I like the way you make your front pages. There is something there for everyone."