Monday, Dec. 31, 1923

Imaginary Interviews

(During the Past Week the Daily Press Gave Extensive Publicity to the Following Men and Women. Let Each Explain to You Why His Name Appeared in the Headlines.)

Mrs. Henry Ford: "Told that Mr. Ford had 'come out' for Calvin Coolidge for President and had eliminated himself as a possible candidate, I said: 'I am relieved. I knew it all the time. I don't believe he ever intended to be a candidate. I knew he was for President Coolidge. It is true, and I am relieved.'"

Grand Duke Alexander, cousin of the late Tsar Nicholas of Russia: "In Paris, I said: 'To make my earthly existence easier, my spirit friends send me flowers, which come from the ceiling during my seances. I often speak with the spirits of my cousin, the former Emperor, and many of my friends. Under their loving care and guidance, my life must be devoted to the resurrection of Russia.' "

Woodrow Wilson: "As a Christmas present, I received from President Mazaryk of Czecho-Slovakia two leather portfolios containing photographs of all the streets, squares and public buildings in Czecho-Slovakia named Wilson."

"Aunt" Alice Robertson, former member of Congress from Oklahoma: "In a press interview, I said: 'Politics is not yet clean enough for a good clean woman. She has no place in the national game as it is played today. Personally, I am through.' "

George V of England: "It is customary for each member of the Royal Family to have an expressly designed Christmas card, either specially painted or a reproduction of some famous picture. This year mine was entitled: 'William, Prince of Orange, Landing at Torbay,' and reads 'Health and Fair Time of Day, Joy and Good Wishes.' Queen Mary's, inscribed 'Fair Thoughts and Happy Hours Attend on You,' reproduced 'The Girlhood of Mary, Queen of Scots.'"

Mrs. Irene Castle Treman Mc-Laughlin: "Despatches from Tokyo stated that my husband, Major Frederick McLaughlin, angered by comments about me, soundly thrashed a traveling salesman on the steamship President Taft."

The Shah of Persia: "I requested John C. Stutz, Secretary of the International City Managers Association, to send me a 'wide awake American' for manager of the city of Teheran. I said: 'To the right man I will pay a good salary.'"

Maurice Maeterlinck: "The Berliner Tageblatt requested that I send a message for its Christmas number, to be printed in the interests of the starving intellectuals of Germany. In my reply, a copy of which I sent to Le Soir, Brussels paper, I said: 'You do not seem to realize that I am a Belgian and that it is impossible for me to forget. How could I not remember . . . the odious manifesto of those intellectuals for whom you today ask my support?'"