Monday, Jan. 07, 1924

Magnus Defeated

Senator Magnus Johnson and Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, according to Washington reports, carried out their threatened milking contest (TiME, Dec. 3) at the dairy of the Soldiers' Home. The rules were: "Dry hand milking, two quarters at a time, three-gallon pails between the knees, no anti-kickers or tail holders." The cows were Concordia Dekol and Cora Johanna Frenesta Dekol, thoroughbred Holsteins. Major General Tasker H. Bliss, retired, Commander of the Soldiers' Home, was referee.

At the end of five minutes both cows were reported "clean." The victory was awarded to Secretary Wallace because he had drawn a pint more of milk. Senator Johnson, the challenger, protested the decision on the ground that Cora Johanna Frenesta Dekol, his cow, had been milked too recently. The quantities of milk were not given.

Senator Johnson then made another challenge for a match with bucksaws and a woodpile.