Monday, Jan. 14, 1924
Norway vs. U. S.
Mrs. Molla Mallory is a native of Norway and an American citizen by marriage. Both Norway and the U. S. claim her for their respective Olympic tennis teams. Precedent is cited: Hannes Kolehmainen, distance runner, American citizen, returned to his native Finland under whose colors he competed in the 1920 Olympics. Although Mrs. Mallory is said unofficially to have stated her preference for the red, the white and the blue, she refused to go on record. "I have nothing to say about it at all. I never give interviews."
Said Julian S. Myrick, former President of the U. S. L. T. A.: "We want Mrs. Mallory to represent the United States in the Olympics. We feel that she is an American in every sense of the word and that she stands for our ideals."