Monday, Jan. 21, 1924

Benito the Silent

On political matters Premier Mussolini has maintained an oysterlike silence for some weeks.

A short time ago (TIME, Dec. 24), Mussolini advised the King to adjourn Parliament. Ever since politicians have been speculating upon the Premier's next move, but they have received no word or sign from him.

Three weeks later (TIME, Jan. 14), the time limit set upon Premier Mussolini's dictatorship expired. The Premier made no comment. Pre-election commentators received a boost and went on writing about the next election. That was all.

Now the meeting of the Fascista Grand Council, which was to have taken place during the past week, has been postponed to Jan. 28. Il Popolo d'ltalia, considered as Mussolini's journal, printed a long resume of the achievements of the Fascista regime and alluded to "the imminent election." This was taken to mean that the Premier would soon announce the dissolution of Parliament and formally call for new elections. Decrees to this effect were expected before Jan. 28. It was declared that the Fascista Grand Council will discuss only electoral strategy.

Premier Mussolini said nothing.