Monday, Jan. 21, 1924

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

A people who can muzzle cats.

The stance of a Grand Duke.

An increase in French babies.

"A good and great merchant of Boston" commissioned by Fate.

An international 4-year-old.

745 million barrels.

Preachers who insist on the right to differ.

A rule which the President broke.

"A modest young man wishing a quiet, refined abode."

The parson-manager of a lusty Chicago church.

A Presidential candidate whose achievements have never been excelled.

Senator Borah. He was seen again on the Mayflower.

The artistic metamorphosis of Miss Gloria Swanson.

Mr. Prince syrnpathique aux Franc,ais.

"Complete agreement and cordiality" in Europe.

A book for the tired Mah Jongg-er.

An oysterlike silence.