Monday, Feb. 04, 1924
Un Porto Italiano
There was signed at Rome by Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy, Premier Nikolai Pashitch and Foreign Minister Montchilo Nintchitch of Yugoslavia, a treaty providing for the annexation of Fiume by Italy, the annexation of Porto Barros by Yugo-Slavia and the establishment of relations of friendship between the two countries. After signing the treaty the three ministers congratulated each other and all Italy prepared to celebrate.
Thus by this treaty Premier Mussolini has secured to Italy the "martyred city" which d'Annunzio immortalized for Italians, and there cannot be any doubt that the Fascist Leader has achieved his greatest diplomatic triumph. Not only has Italy gained Fiume, but a counter-balance to French influence in Central Europe and, by the treaty of friendship, security on her eastern border.
In Fiume, when the news became known, thousands of people congregated in the streets carrying banners and long and lusty were the cries of Evviva I'Italia, Evviva Mussolini, Evviva Fiume, Evviva d'Annunzio and even Evviva la Yugo-Slavia.