Monday, Feb. 04, 1924
Ford Salvage
It has been frequently remarked of the Chicago packers that they left nothing of the pig but his squeal. Evidently Henry Ford has taken the packers as a model, for the salvage operations in his factories are said to be unusually efficient and complete, and productive of great economies. According to a recent report, the salvage squad of 417 men dispose each day of 392 tons of steel trimmings, 190 tons of baled steel, and 153 tons of cast iron borings. In addition, it saves about 91/2 tons of paper, several tons of miscellaneous metals and other material, and about 2,000 gallons of oil. Much of this material, which would otherwise be wasted, is used in various ways, often by repairing it. Among other savings each year is metallic silver, valued at $5,000, which is obtained by cleaning the vats in the photographic laboratories.
Inconsequential as these savings may seem, in the aggregate they are important. In terms of money, they amount to almost a million dollars a month, and to more than $5 on every one of the 2,000,000 cars manufactured in 1923.