Monday, Feb. 04, 1924

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

A diet of spinach, tomatoes, carrots, sardines, milk. (P. 22.)

A young bitch. (P. 10.)

"Fine Christian work." (P. 1.)

The ultimate in feminine success. (P. 12.)

A Boston enterprise with Boston capital, Boston management. (P. 26.)

Betsy Neck. (P. 14.)

Assurance that "there is nothing mysterious about being an artist. (P. 15.)

The International Banking Corporation--lone survivor in its field. (P. 24.)

Tunnels that are safe. (P. 17.)

"The personification of Beauty, Virtue and Love." (P. 11.)

The most pertinent remark yet made in the theological controversy. (P. 18.)

The singing daughter-in-law of a Butler. (P. 1.)

A return to work. (P. 8.)

The modest violet ray, disclosing fakery. (P. 15.)

Society ducks. (P. 22.)

An automobile drawn across the street in front of the advancing army. (P. 29.)

A voice that cut sharply through the deliberations. (P. 16.)

Daughterly pride in a father. (P. 8.)

Feminae in excelsis. (P. 19.)

Rejoicing, Gratitude, "Humiliation" in Japan. (P. 11.)

"A vigilant patriot" jeopardizing American credulity. (P. 18.)