Monday, Feb. 11, 1924


In order that he might have visions of the wealth which her face represented, a miser once married a woman whose profile duplicated one he had seen on a coin. The tale is told by O. Henry. Since the Bland-Allison Act of 1878, more than 770,000,000 silver dollars*; have been minted. They have been admired for the beautiful head they bore. According to the designer, George Morgan, it was a portrait of the most perfect head he had ever seen. Whose? That of a Philadelphia schoolmistress, who never married--Miss Anna W. Williams. She resigned last week after 40 years' service in Philadelphia schools. As supervisor of kindergartens she had acquired a national reputation.

From North Carolina

Evolution, which in any way discredits man's descent from an original Adam, was ousted, root and branch, from the schools of North Carolina (TIME, Feb. 4). National controversy on this action produced the following defence:

To the Editor of The New York Times:

As a citizen of North Carolina and one who has had to do with the education of some thousands of girls in our grand old Commonwealth, and one of the 500,000 members of her different churches, may I protest against the arraignment of our Governor in the letter of Northrup Fowler of Amenia, N. Y.?

We are proud to have a Governor who believes that "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." (Gen., i., 27.)

Yes, we believe in the God whom Mr. Fowler's forefathers came to America to worship and in the Scriptures which they made the rule of their lives and on which the Constitution of our country was founded, and we are sorry for those whose "crass ignorance" of the Holy Scriptures allows them to believe that man is wiser than his Maker.

We believe in the Bible, and North Carolina is taking a foremost place in the world because she does not allow herself to be carried off her feet by every propagator of a new religion.

We read, we travel, and are not behind either New York or New England in intelligence. (Signed) Miss LILY W. LONG, Former Dean of College for Women, Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 29, 1924.

Bored Wives

Vassar is making good its promise to furnish a post-graduate school for alumnae who wish to return and relieve their housekeeping by congenial study (TIME, Nov. 26). The office of "Educational Secretary" has been created in the new Alumnae House of the College, and the first occupant of that office will be Miss Harriet Sawyer, '07.

*The Bland-Allison dollar was replaced in 1922 by a dollar of new design.