Monday, Feb. 18, 1924
Blood, etc.
The pieces de resistance in the weekly issues of The Sunday School Times have lately been done by Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Fundamentalist hero. He is revealing this generation's blindness to the Scriptures and the true religion therein set down.
On the inspiration of the Bible, he points out: "The original autograph manuscripts which, through copies, are reproduced in the Old and New Testaments, were true, and true .because divinely inspired. . . . The words used in the original manuscripts were the actual words of God. ... 'Is the Bible true?' is the great issue in the world today, surpassing in importance all national and international questions."
For the deity of Christ, Mr. Bryan's central argument is that if Christ was not divine He was an imposter, and that it is unlikely a Galilean peasant could perpetrate "so stupendous a fraud for nearly 20 centuries on so large a fraction of the most intelligent of the world's population."
Of the Virgin Birth, he says: "It is not necessary to consider . . attempts to find a scientific explanation of the Virgin Birth--pan-thenogenesisby putting the mother of Jesus in a class with frogs and bees that, we are told, sometimes reproduce without union of the sexes." Accusing modernists of trying to rob Jesus of "the glory of a Virgin Birth," Mr. Bryan comes to his climax with the question: "Who is the better authority in spiritual matters--Dr. Luke (writer of the Gospel) or Dr. Fosdick?"
On the Atonement: "It is also clear that redemption was to be purchased by blood." It is not only the death, but particularly the blood of Jesus which has power to save. Readers are referred to Life in the Blood by Dr. Howard W. Kellogg, and The Power of Jesus' Blood by C. E. Putnam. In this, the fourth, article, Mr. Bryan quotes 42 Bible texts proving the efficacy of the blood.
Three articles are yet to come.