Monday, Feb. 18, 1924
Married. Corinne Griffith, cinema heroine (Black Oxen, Six Days), to Walter Morosco, son of Oliver Morocsco, theatrical producer; at Tia Juana, Mexico. He is her sixth.
Died. The Right Rev. George Coolidge Huntington, 52, cousin to President Coolidge and fourth Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Nevada; in Reno, from pneumonia.
Died. Mme. Sorgue, 52, "La Belle Anarchiste"; in London. Though wealthy, for 30 years she was a syndicalist and revolutionist. The police referred to her respectfully as "Mme. Trouble, Europe's most dangerous woman." In 1908 she defied royalty by remaining seated when King Carlos of Portugal entered the Lisbon International Peace Conference. Four years later she headed the women's hunger march on Tower Hill in London during the dockers' strike. She had many remarkable escapes from mobs.
Died. Rear Admiral Thomas Oliver Self ridge, U. S. N., 88; in Washington. He entered the service in 1851. In the Civil War he was second in command of the Cumberland when it was sunk by the Merrimac, commanded the naval battery at the siege of Vicksburg; was the "only officer who commanded sailors in a successful battle against Confederate cavalry."