Monday, Feb. 25, 1924
Dans Le Parlement
During the week, the Chamber of Deputies was engaged almost entirely with questions of finance, particularly upon the emergency taxation bill according power of decree upon the Government (TIME, Feb. 18).
Deputy Andre Tardieu attacked the
Government's taxation increase of 20% (TIME, Jan. 28). He stated that the Government would merely succeed in raising the cost of living and so place a purposeless additional burden upon the taxpayer.
Premier Poincare, replying to criticism on Government inaction, reproved the long-winded oratory of his opponents. Said he: "The best way to help the Government govern and increase production is not to force it to sit here morning, noon and night."
On a Socialist vote to separate the proposed 20% increase in taxation from the rest of the emergency taxation bill the Government was sustained by 301 to 212 votes.
Premier Poincare lost his voice in defending the taxation measure.
The matter was closed in a session which lasted all night, until 5:30 a. m. Premier Poincare retired, ill, at 11 p.m. Bedlam and disorder reigned in the debate. The Finance Minister nearly started a fist fight. Then the bill was passed, 315-254, the smallest majority the present Government ever received.