Monday, Feb. 25, 1924
Born. To Lady Mountbatten, one-time Edwina Ashley, "richest girl in England," a daughter. To the father, Lord Louis Mountbatten, a Lieutenant aboard the battleship Revenge, was sent a telegram.
Engagement denied. Russell Griswold Colt, onetime husband of Actress Ethel Barrymore, to Jessie Reed, Ziegfeld Follies member. Said he: "Kindly deny for me the press agent's story from Chicago that I am engaged to marry Miss Jessie Reed. Also kindly state that Miss Ethel Barrymore obtained a divorce from me on the ground of nonsupport, not cruelty."
Married. Peggy Wood, famed actress, to John V. A. Weaver, poetauthor-critic (in American, etc.) ; at Hamilton, Bermuda.
Separated. Ed. Gallagher, comedian, partner of Mr. Shean, from his wife, Anne Luther, cinema actress. They were married two months ago.
Sued for divorce. Jack Arthur Johnson, Negro pugilist, onetime heavyweight champion of the world, by Mrs. Lucille Frances Johnson, white. She charged misconduct.
Sued for Divorce. Ralph Pulitzer, 45, son of the late Joseph Pulitzer, famed proprietor of The New York World and of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, by Mrs. Frederica Vanderbilt Webb Pulitzer, 40; in Paris.
Divorced. Isadora Duncan, famed dancer, from Serge Essenin, Bolshevik poet who "wooed her with gestures, since neither understood the other's language"; in Russia. Word came that Isadora sought the divorce because of her husband's waning enthusiasm for the Bolshevik regime, which she still favors.
Died. Norman D. ("Tony") Boeckel, 30, third baseman of the Boston National League Baseball Club; in San Diego, from injuries received in an automobile accident.
Died. Henry Bacon, 58, famed architect; in Manhattan.
Died. Jacques Loeb, 65, famed scientist; in Bermuda.
Died, John W. Young, 79, son of the late Brigham Young, Mormon leader; in Manhattan.