Monday, Mar. 17, 1924
The Legislative Week The Senate:
The Legislative Week The Senate:
P: Discussed at length the Norbeck-Burtness bill to give Federal aid in assisting farmers to diversify their crops.
P:Ratified treaties with France and Belgium regarding the rights of Americans in the former German colonies of East Africa, Cameroon and Togoland, now under mandate. P: Discussed and rediscussed the oil scandal.
P:Passed the Treasury and Post Office Appropriation bill (previously passed by the House), adding $2,500,000 for the expense of the Customs Service.
P:Confirmed the nomination of Joseph C. Grew, Minister to Switzerland, to be Under Secretary of State. P: Met on Sunday and heard eulogies of the late Senators Knute Nelson of Minnesota (TIME, May 28) and
Samuel D. Nicholson of Colorado (TIME, Mar. 31).
The House:
P:Passed a bill to lend to William and Mary College two British cannon captured at Yorktown. P: Agreed to a bill, previously passed, but amended by the Senate, to give to Hawaii the right to participate with the States in aid furnished by the Federal Government for road building, vocational training, maternity and child hygiene, farm loans. P: Passed a bill providing for incorporation of the G. A. R. P: Passed, 228 to 142, the McKenzie bill authorizing the acceptance of Henry Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals. P: Passed a resolution calling for an investigation of the Shipping Board since the time when it was created. P: Passed a resolution asking Attorney General Daugherty for the names of the two Congressmen supposed to be implicated in the Veterans Bureau fraud.