Monday, Mar. 17, 1924

"$200 the Plate"

In Los Angeles, early in the month, Mrs. Albert Sherman Hoyt was hostess at a Dutch luncheon to celebrate the completion of the $100,000 fund for the women's dormitory at the University of Southern California. The price was $200 a plate. Many fine ladies came, some from Pasadena. The visiting orator was President Aurelia Reinhardt, of Mills College, Oakland. She spoke in praise of three benevolent women, deceased--Phoebe Apperson Hearst, Jane Lathrop Stanford, Susan Lincoln Mills. Said she: "Mrs. Hearst built the first women's building west of the Mississippi, and the women's building of the University of California is one of the monuments to her memory. That benevolent woman founded scholarships and fellowships and she paved the way for a finer conduct in the college women of this country than was ever possible in former times. . . .

"I praise the college woman of today not at all. With what has been provided for her by benevolent women such as this group represents, the college woman must become finer and better." The late Mrs. Hearst was the mother of William Randolph Hearst, whose wife, Mrs. Millicent Hearst, is well-known to some crowned heads of Europe (TIME, Nov. 5).