Monday, Mar. 24, 1924

Secretary Wilbur

"I was trained to serve my country," said the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. Being so trained, he could hardly refuse an opportunity for such service. President Coolidge had since March 10, an empty seat in his Cabinet. He offered it to William S. Kenyon of Iowa. Judge of the Eighth U. S. District Court. Judge Kenyon said, "Thank you, no." The same day a telegram sped across the country to San Francisco. Curtis D. Wilbur, California's Chief Justice, said "Thank you, yes."

The matter of choosing a Secretary of the Navy had occupied the President for more than a month. The existing situation made it difficult. A man must be chosen who had public confidence. He must not be open, at this mud slinging time, to attacks on account of his connection with oil businesses or with any other very profitable corporations. The present investigations made a lawyer more desirable at the head of the Navy Department than an ordinary business man. But almost any able and active lawyer might have a client who could be spattered on his reputation. A selection from the bench was almost inevitable. Moreover, from a political standpoint, a western progressive was desirable.

Justice Wilbur was summoned from California. He conferred with the President and started for home. He had just reached there when Judge Kenyon of Iowa arrived in Washington, also on a summons. Judge Kenyon had all the qualifications: A judge, well known (as a former Senator), a progressive (the pet candidate for President of Senator Smith Wildman Brookhart, insurgent lowan). Judge Kenyon was offered the place. He took a day to consider, conferring with his erstwhile companions in the Senate. He said next day:

"It is difficult not to respond to a call to duty from the President of the United States especially a President of the type of Calvin Coolidge.

"I have not considered my personal preferences in the matter, as I would be willing to make any sacrifice for real public service. I cannot, however, escape the conclusion that I do not possess the qualifications or training for the office, hence it seems very clear that I should go no further in its consideration."

Said Senator Borah of Idaho: "Judge Kenyon knows more about law books than about battleships"-- a remark which led many to suspect that the Judge might accept the Attorney-Generalship should it fall vacant.

The President again turned to his list of candidates. Lo! Curtis D. Wilbur's name led all the rest. His qualifications numbered: birth at Boonesboro, Iowa, 56 years ago; an education at Annapolis Naval Academy; law practice in California starting at the age of 22; organization of the Los Angeles Juvenile Court; membership in the California Supreme court for five years.

So an offer was telegraphed west. And Justice Wilbur telegraphed east that he would set out as soon as the Senate confirmed his nomination.