Monday, Mar. 24, 1924
Dans Le Parlement
P: The Chamber of Deputies, 425 to 135, rushed the Government Bill through, exempting from Income Tax 7,000,000,000 francs worth of National Defense Bonds, paying 3%, 4%, 41/2%, 5%, according to their term. This action was designed to check sales and help the franc.
P: Socialist Deputies, aided by Radicals, fought a 21,000,000 franc subsidy to the Compagnie Generate Transatlantique to construct new liners. A motion for adjournment of the bill was defeated, 316 to 203. The bill dates from 1913, when 7,000,000 francs subsidy was approved by a convention between the Company and the French Government.
P: The Chamber of Deputies passed a bill levying a 25% tax on the gross gate receipts on all football, swimming, tennis and athletic meets. Friends of outdoor sport hope to see the bill die in the Senate.