Monday, Mar. 24, 1924
Maria Daviess
She Chats with John Farrar
Maria Thompson Daviess (whose autobiographical narrative Seven Times Seven is appearing in the Pictorial Re-view and soon to be published in book form) is an invalid; but, in spite of the fact that she is confined to her room most of the time, she is the gayest, the most effervescent of women. When I saw her the other day she was busily planning to take up again her favorite work of "play-doctoring" which she did for years. Said she: "Just because I can't move about is no reason why I can't sit still and rehearse a play!" She accused me of being too young to remember her play The Melting of Molly! which, of course, was absurd; for I remember that delightful whimsical tale well. She laughed and joked, received several other callers gayly, disposed of the affairs of the world in a few brisk phrases, in a voice smoothed by southern airs.
Her autobiography will be read by thousands because I've already dipped into it--it is the chatty story of a woman's life, a rather unusual woman, told with utter frankness. There is no false attempt at cleverness. Sentiment has its due place. Curiously enough, Mrs. Daviess says that she has received more letters from men than from women in response to the serial publication of her narrative--and that most of them have been remedies for rheumatism.
She was born in Harrodsburg, Ky., studied in her native state and at Wellesley, went to Paris where she studied Art, miniature painting, jewel working. She exhibited in the Paris Salon in 1904-5. A woman of tremendous energy, she has made her life fit her needs and has insisted upon being active. She is much interested in the cinema--several of her novels and stories having been transferred to the screen. Now she is planning to have a projector installed in her room so that she can see the newer films.
We discussed many things; among them, the Negro problem. She is a Southerner, and fond of her "mammy." She says that she wants the Negroes to have everything she has--but she draws the line at "eatin' and sleepin'."
Her most violent opinions are expressed with such a twinkle in her eye, that you have the impression that if you were suddenly to defend an opinion very seriously, she would laugh you straight out the open window.
J. F.