Monday, Mar. 24, 1924


Alexander Alekhine Russia

E. Bogoljubow Latvia Jose R. Capablanca Cuba

(Present World's Champion)

David Janowski France

Edward Lasker* United States

Dr. Emanuel Lasker Germany

(World's Champion for 27 years)

Geza Maroczy Hungary

Frank Marshall United States

(U. S. Champion)

Richard Reti Czecho-Slovakia

Dr. S. Tartakower Austria

F. D. Yates England

More than 1,000 persons (a record crowd) filled the Japanese Room of the Hotel Alamac in New York to see experts of ten nations compete in an International Chess Champion ship.

On the opening day Champion Capablanca was unable to do better than tie with Frenchman Janowski. For nine moves Janowski and Capa blanca followed closely the Queen's Gambit Declined. Then Janowski (white) surprised the champion by moving pawn to King's rook 4. The champion proceeded to play for a draw, and got it on the 20th move by cornering Janowski's king in perpetual check.

Russian Alekhine defeated British Yates whose Ruy Lopez failed.

Austrian Tartakower with the King's Gambit defeated Latvian Bogaljubow in 58 moves.