Monday, Apr. 21, 1924

The Legislative Week

The Senate:

P: Passed a resolution to inquire into the circumstances and evidence connected with the indictment of Senator Wheeler by a Federal Grand Jury at Great Falls, Mont.

P: Passed a bill to prevent monopolization of the air by radio broadcasting companies.

P: Passed a resolution introduced by Senator Kendrick of Wyoming to admit three Russian waifs, whose parents died of starvation, detained at Ellis Island since December.

P: Read and debated messages from President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon regarding the investigation of the Internal Revenue Bureau.

P: Read a note which Japanese Ambassador Hanihara had addressed to the Secretary of State concerning the "Gentleman's Agreement," and debated the Immigration Bill.

P: Reported from Committee the Naval Appropriations Bill (for $273,703,067), the Bonus Bill, the Tax Reduction Bill.

The House:

P: Passed the Johnson Immigration Bill by a vote of 322 to 74.

P: Passed a resolution awarding to Sol Bloom a seat contested by Walter M. Chandler in the New York 19th Congressional district (See Page 6).

P: Passed a bill for the protection of Alaskan fisheries.